How To | Multicare X - Microshifting
Discover how innovative MultiCare X microshifting allows for easy patient turns, assessments, repositions, or procedures.
Adjust the Multicare X with its lateral tilt 1 degree at a time as needed.
When performing a lateral tilt, check the following:
- Side rails are up in the direction the bed is turning.
- Press green go button and choose positioning.
- From the positioning screen, go to “COMBINED POSITIONING” to tilt.
- Use the buttons on the multiboard X LCD for precise controls.
- Buttons on the Accessory Control Panel (ACP), or foot pedals can also be used to control lateral bed tilt.
- Test haemodynamic stability by doing lateral tilt in small increments.
- Note: Testing allows the patient to adapt to the position change and tilt as far as tolerated, or until able to turn, assess, reposition, or for a procedure.
There is an option to do automatic, ongoing microshifting using preset ALT program with small angle setting.
Here's a video on Multicare X Microshifting, watch below to learn more.