How To | Latera - Controls Overview
Learn the basics of Latera's controls and how to use them for the best performance.
The Latera beds have control options for both patient and carer comfort or convenience.
Among the bed controls available include the main Accessory Control Panel (ACP), foot pedals, patient handset, etc.
The ACP supervisor panel works as the main control panel for carers to easily operate the bed.
The foot control for hands-free bed height adjustment, examination position, and lateral tilt. When used according to the instructions, Latera's foot pedals are highly recommended tools to operate as the carer is given immediate freedom - the ability to use hands and have contact with the patient as needed.
The patient handset (if configured) gives the option for the patient to control and operate the device for maximum performance. With the handset, patients have control over the basic functions of the bed.
All the controls can be activated by the green GO button found on the controls available.
Watch the video below to learn more about the Latera bed controls and how to get the most out of them.